Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de refer

to referreferirse

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I referyo me refiero
you refertú te refieres
he refersél se refiere
she refersella se refiere
we refernosotros nos referimos
you refervosotros os referís
they referellos se refieren
they referellas se refieren

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I referredyo me referí
you referredtú te referiste
he referredél se refirió
she referredella se refirió
we referrednosotros nos referimos
you referredvosotros os referisteis
they referredellos se refirieron
they referredellas se refirieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have referredyo me he referido
you have referredtú te has referido
he has referredél se ha referido
she has referredella se ha referido
we have referrednosotros nos hemos referido
you have referredvosotros os habéis referido
they have referredellos se han referido
they have referredellas se han referido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had referredyo me había referido
you had referredtú te habías referido
he had referredél se había referido
she had referredella se había referido
we had referrednosotros nos habíamos referido
you had referredvosotros os habíais referido
they had referredellos se habían referido
they had referredellas se habían referido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will referyo me referiré
you will refertú te referirás
he will referél se referirá
she will referella se referirá
we will refernosotros nos referiremos
you will refervosotros os referiréis
they will referellos se referirán
they will referellas se referirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have referredyo me habré referido
you will have referredtú te habrás referido
he will have referredél se habrá referido
she will have referredella se habrá referido
we will have referrednosotros nos habremos referido
you will have referredvosotros os habréis referido
they will have referredellos se habrán referido
they will have referredellas se habrán referido

I would referyo me referiría
you would refertú te referirías
he would referél se referiría
she would referella se referiría
we would refernosotros nos referiríamos
you would refervosotros os referiríais
they would referellos se referirían
they would referellas se referirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have referredyo me habría referido
you would have referredtú te habrías referido
he would have referredél se habría referido
she would have referredella se habría referido
we would have referrednosotros nos habríamos referido
you would have referredvosotros os habríais referido
they would have referredellos se habrían referido
they would have referredellas se habrían referido

Participio presenteAnotado

Participio pasadoAnotado
referred referido

Más verbos

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